Ivy Berces’ Pagmaya Art Tote Bag

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Ivy Berces, aka Prinsomnia, sits down with Looking for Juan to talk about her creative process and inspiration behind her artwork, “Get Out There,” an original piece created for the new Pagmaya Art Tote Bag. 

A Manila-based illustrator, Ivy loves to explore botany, magical realism, and the esoteric through her art—as evidenced by her whimsical colors and hues in “Get Out There.”

“[The artwork] is a small love letter to the hypnosis of the outdoors. I have always loved nature all my life, but it was only recently that I learned the lesson of humbling myself in my smallness and letting nature take over me, as scary as it feels,” she shares.

Through her art, Ivy not only hopes to share her voice and perspective, but create art that can balm the soul.

As she puts it, “It can feel dark at times, but the light at the end of the tunnel colors my mindscape kaleidoscopic, and all the cycles of internal struggle and understanding one’s self in multiple contexts finally make sense, even if only for a while. It’s a lesson anybody can benefit from, and I hope this tote bag design inspires some of that.”

Watch our interview with Ivy and shop her Pagmaya tote bag below.  


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